Saturday, June 12, 2010

I am going to tell you about my trampoline in my backyard. It is very fun. One time my baby cousin Caleb came on it with me and my brother. Sometimes me and my brother like to get launched by each other. It is very fun when we get launched. I usually fall down when my brother launches me. That is all I have to say today. and of course love me, Joelle


  1. Can you do cool tricks on your trampoline? What is the highest you have ever jumped?

  2. JOJO
    sounds like your having alot of fun. Don't jump to high you fly over the net. HA HA
    See you soon
    Love Aunt Mary

  3. It sure sounds like a lot of fun JoJo. Maybe when I come over next you can show me some tricks?

    Love you
    Cousin Liz

  4. Wish I could jump on your trampoline........... That would really make uncle Jude laugh!!!!!
